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Summary table of the occupational profile and training pathway of an AIDE FAMILIAL and of an AIDE SOIGNANTAfter the collection and the first cataloguing phase, a comparative analysis was made of the profiles and the training courses by means of a data collection model (defined within the team) enabling comparison within the five countries of the key elements characterizing the profile and the training for access to the profession.This model was first used to analyse and describe the two professional profiles present in all five countries: Personal Care Assistant, and in 4 countries: Family Assistant. Thereafter, it was used to summarize the characteristics of the courses/profiles that are neither equivalent nor similar. We present hereafter the tables (Nrs 5a and 6b) of correlation between the two professional profiles of Personal Care Assistant and Family Assistant. For the other profiles/courses, please consult the appendices and the website Tab. N. 2/a - – Summary of Professions and Training Activities for FAMILY ASSISTANT Tab. N. 2/b - Summary of Professions and Training Activities for l’ PATIENT CARE ASSISTANT |